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Staying positive during Grief

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

When you are struggling through grief, attempting to stay positive, when all you want to do is curl up in bed and hibernate. Wake up when your grief has finished, refreshed and go on living life? A perfect life!!

Wouldn't that be so easy and smooth sailing through life?

Pfft, well we would not learn from our experiences then would we?

I agree, that is a shit phrase, why would we want someone to die and have to learn from it?

As I sit with my friends and we chat over a cup of Tea, we all share one thing. We all have our own struggles, challenges, trauma in life. The people around me have been amazing, they just keep going. Like the Everyready battery in the Toy Bunny. Always, prepared to listen over a cup of Tea to warm you up on the inside, while filling your heart with comfort and love.

I am also amazed that there is someone else that needs more love than ourselves, no matter what challenges we are experiencing. The circle of people in my life, I am very grateful and come away from our chats inspired.

Listening to a friend, who felt she had one challenge after another, and keeps treading water. She is coming up for air, to be knocked back down again. What The......? when will it stop? How can she keep going with a smile on her face. She keeps going because she had a huge cry the night before and purged more emotions. A weight off of her shoulders.

Each challenge experienced, is a lesson to go with it. To face your fear, learn and keep moving forward. Every layer of emotion, that has been offloaded, we plateau, then have to purge again to get to the next level.

It reminds me of the video games, each level that you achieve, you receive a reward and the next level is accomplished.

Life is real. The people around us are the reward. There are levels to accomplish, to achieve a positive outcome. Although, some days we can not see the outcome.

I was given an analogy of life, which I love and will share with you.

"Life is like driving a car. If you keep looking in the rear vision mirror, looking at your past?

You will have an accident as you will not be focusing on the road ahead. To your future!"

A beautiful, kind friend shared this with me. Because a beautiful kind friend of hers, shared it with her. That is true friendship.

I have decided to adopt this.


"Driving in your car, you have your GPS, or Road map. You are trusting it to send you to the correct address as you have not travelled to your destination before." That is faith in your GPS, road map and Life!

Changing our mindset and focus on what we do want in our life is more rewarding. Once we tell ourselves, three or five times the same thing, our conscious mind believes it. So, is it not better to tell ourselves, three to five positive things so our conscious mind believes it?

Remember at school, how the teacher told us off and we had to write 50 lines of the same thing?

e.g; I will not be mean to others. x 50.

There is no right or wrong answers to life. We are all here in this life, doing our best to stay happy to share our knowledge and love. In return, to be loved and respected.

Yes we will stumble, dust ourselves off and keep going. It is ok, to fall and pick yourself up again. It is ok, to have a meltdown. scream, cry and swear, whatever makes you shake it off and purge your emotions.

I probably wouldn't suggest in public? or throw anything that you have to then clean up and regret breaking. I am not sure what you will receive in return?

I would suggest to take time out somewhere safe and in a calm environment. If you have to let out your anger in something, rip up some paper vigorously, - not the bills, until you pay them! I know it is tempting!

Then at least the ripped up paper, you can add water and make new paper again.

or add it to the wood fire stove or fire pit outside!

What is next? I hear you ask.

How do you keep positive with so much negativity or challenging time around you?

Stay tuned, for my next blog while I stumble, purge my emotions and scream.

I will let you know what worked for me and we can work through the emotions together.

In the meantime, stay safe and love who you are, faults and all!

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